A Breath Of Fresh Air :)

Hello  guys....wassup? 
I am trying to be pretty regular with the blog , don't really want to go in my super lazy space again ...lol. 
    Now that we have left winters far behind us and the pleasant spring is also on the verge of leaving us , let's welcome summers with open arms...haha !!

 I  , though , do not dislike the hot weather as much as others . I , as matter of fact , loves mangoes (my mouth is watering at the mere mention of it), ice creams ,cold coffees.... literally the works man !! 
Lots of get together and fun events are happening these days. I am pretty busy as well as excited. ...  A  cousin is getting married  so a whole lot of fun time is expected,  to say the least . And voila!  I have an exciting idea ...I will do a post on "how to dress for a summer wedding " especially us , the curvaceous girls ( yes! I am one ).
But today I am presenting the look that I wore a couple of days back for a lunch date with my B's . Have a look .

dress - koovs
shrug - only
shoes - done by none
bag - michael kors
watch - carties
neck piece - 20 dresses
