Love yourself :)

Hi !  I saw this video almost 6-7 months back and  it left me kinda amused , in a very positive way though....when you will see it yourself , only then would you realize what I meant.  Generally , most of us are self critical(at times we may never tell someone but in our heart we have very negative thoughts about ourselves ) . This is just about that.... Here , a group of women are asked to describe themselves to the artist , who has his back towards them and even a curtain inbetween. He makes their sketches from the description given by the women themselves . The artist makes another portrait of the women based on someone else's description of them by someone else and voila !!!! The difference is remarkable....see it to believe it !!
Though , you would love what you see , but deep down it raises a few questions. What we think about ourselves ?  Is beauty just that...superficial ! When we are asked about beauty , in our minds we form a picture of an actress or a model and conforms to it . Their peaches n cream complexion , perfect features , svelte bod , thick hair , radiant eyes.....of course ! This is beauty and all of us , lesser mortals, fall flat on our faces in comparison . American supermodel Cindy Crawford once said , "even I don't look like Cindy Crawford" . Yes ! She did say it . The people in entertainment and glamour world are beautiful , no doubt . But so are you ....God has made us all so unique , so different from the other  that there's just one you ( imagine ! In a population of billions you are one of your kind) . Embrace it ! Whether you are tall or short , thin or not-so-thin, dark or fair , blonde or brunette are you...unique in your own ways...don't let it go. Be yourself .
                                                    Love yourself ,
