Book Review - Ramayana The Game Of Life : Stolen Hope

                      "Real beauty awakens love in every heart and envy in none" *

Ramayana The Game of Life : Stolen Hope is the third book of the six book series by author Shubha Vilas.  I must confess I haven't read the first two titles of the series namely "The Rise Of Sun Prince" and "Shattered Dreams". But, it doesn't forbid me from savouring this literary masterpiece

               "when hope is the launch pad, even a blind man can soar to the moon. Transcending personal defects become a cinch when hope is in vicinity" *

Ramayana is the greatest Epic in the world and has been written infinite times. It  had been my favourite bed time story, which my grand mother sincerely narrated every day for years. Though, I loved listening to it as a child but to be honest it's still the same old story. Why did the author think there was a need for it to be retold again? 

                               "Within every big lie is hidden a small truth. Unlocking the many mysteries locked within our hearts require the key of compassion or hammer of troubles" *

You read the book and you get a the answer "yes", there was a need to rewrite it to suit the taste of this generation. This new series of book, takes you through the life of Lord Rama in the forest of Dandakaranya, during his years of exile. It reveals the tale of love between Rama and Sita, the bond of trust and respect between Ram and Lakshmana and Ravana's eternal quest for power. It also entails  captivating stories about sage Agastya.

                                          "Responsibility is not a choice it's an honor"*

The book gives a synopsis of the life of the trio in the forest. It covers their life in exile, well almost (13years). From the time the set their foot in the forest of Dandakaranya to Sita's abduction in Janasthana. Also, not only does it gives an insight about Lord Rama, Sita and Lakshmana but also about Ravana, his brothers Khara - Dushana and sister Suprankha. It reveals so many little known facts that most of us may never have known. Like how attractive Ravana looked or him being a connoisseur of beauty or women being his weakness. All most of us knew was Ravana was a powerful rakshasha king of Lanka and a great devotee of Lord Shiva.

 Another noteworthy thing was the character of Bharata, for living a life of atrocities and devoid of luxuries to be at par with Rama, who was living a austere life in exile. 

              "What inspired Bharata to not allow his self discipline to change into self pity was that instead of focussing on his inconveniences, he chose to empathize with Rama's miseries"*

Contrary to what we think, Sita is happy about her life in Dandakaranya as it gave her an opportunity to be in close proximity to Rama which would not have been the case, had they been in Ayodhya because of his administrative responsiblity. Rama showered Sita with love, care and abundant time.

                         "The best Experiences of love are obtained not by waiting to express it on the right day but by making routine expressions of love daily "*

The book takes inspiration from Valmiki's Ramayana and stays true to it. For example Lakshmana Rekha was not a part of Valmiki's Ramayana and the author has refrained from writing it here. This concept was a part of  the latter versions of Ramayana.

      "when latent power changes into active power latent desires to control turn into active ones" *

The narrative is enticing and fascinating. The moment you lay your hands on the book, you are hooked. It was like watching a blockbuster.....each event is described wonderfully and remains etched in your memory. Rama's rendezvous with Surpanakha and the war with Rakshasas Khara and Dushana is intriguing. Each character is written beautifully and importance is given to minute details.
The author has taken great pains to present the book in such a manner as to appeal to all age groups.The writing is simple and lucid and easily understandable.The cover page of "Stolen Hope" is extremely appealing with a gorgeous looking Lord Rama arching his Bow and a Giant Jatayu.

And the highlight of the book were the footnotes!  These were little pieces written at the end of each page that offered detailed view of the above said lines. They were like pearls of wisdom .

                                     "Life often leaves you with limited options. Often the choice is between limited happiness and limitless void" *

This book is definitely a food for thought and leaves you yearning for more. This book is one such book which you would want to read again and each time you learn something new from it. A collectors delight.
It is a must read.....double thumbs up!!!
Star rating - 4.5/5

         "Excellence is a by products of persistently choosing quality over quantity" *

* refers to footnotes from the book.

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swayam tiwari said…
In my opinion, Lord Rama laid down a set of norms to be followed by the mighty and the humble.He could have married twice or thrice or several times , like his father, but, the principle of equality of women defined his own conduct We all can write several books and adaptations and interpretations of Ramayana, but it is so difficult to follow even one teaching of his.
Ruchi Singh Rao said…
Thanks a lot for taking time out and reading my post .