Happy New Year !

Hey!! A very Happy New Year to all my lovely readers ! How did you guys ushered in 2016....... I Celebrated with my family.

2015 had been a real "special" year for me, a life changer of sorts. I did a lot of stuff, I had been wanting to do since ages. Being regular with my blogging being the first. Last year around April, I restarted my blog and it has been the best decision of my life. Writing is therapeutic to me, like meditation. I wrote a whopping 74 Blogpost in 2015, which is a big personal achievement for me. Being regular with my writing has not only improved my ranking on various blogging platforms, But I have even been nominated as one of the top bloggers of the country. Touchwood.

I attended quite a few bloggers meets and events and met some really fun loving, talented and passsionate bloggers. It was a privilege to have met such stupendous bunch of people. This has helped me broaden my horizon.

I entered the unexplored foray of "Event Management", and hosted a Christmas carnival named "Santa comes to town". It has been a great learning experience for me though very frustrating and tiring at times. After a successful first attempt, I am planning to take it forward in a big way.

Also, I attended a party sometime back where I experimented yet again. I draped my Saree in Maharashtrian style and added a head band to give it a Retro edge. I call this look "Disco Lavani", Lavani being the traditional folk dance of Maharashtra.

Have a look and let me know, what you feel about it.......I am all ears!!!


Happy New Year... Wow... 74 posts.. dats lovely.
And I love the look. I wish I could drape sarees too..

Ruchi Singh Rao said…
Hey!manjulika ,
A very happy new year to you dear ! Thanks for your kind words of appreciation.....as far as draping is considered, it requires a bit of time and effort and you can easily master the art of draping.