Is Detox Water Good For You !

These days no conversation is complete without the inclusion of a few words like toxins, anti oxidants, detox, organic n so on......I call them "flavour of the season" words. And, they are rightly so, after every few months a new terminology makes it to your "conversation starter" list. Isn't it??? 
Most of my friends especially the ones who wants to lose a few pounds fast are on a new fad -The Detox Water.

Detox water

So, What Is Detox Water

As most of you are aware, we need to drink around 8 - 10 glasses of water each day to keep us hydrated as well as keep your vital organs healthy.  Here, You don't have to drink plain water but add "something" to it. It could be a fruit, vegetable, seeds, leaves etc depending on your choice. These adds flavours to plain water. Some people find it difficult to drink plain water and always reach for colas/juices/tea/coffee. Detox water are boon for such individuals. 
Also, water has immense benefits and adding vitamins and minerals rich fruits only adds to it. 

Benefits of Water

- Removes waste
- purifies blood
- strong immune system 
- healthy skin and hair
- balance PH
- helps in weight loss

Popular Infused/ Detox Water Recipes

- Lemon & Mint Water

This is the most popular infusion and is aptly called "king of detox water" . The major ingredients are mint and lemon. Lemon is abundant in vitamin C and adds zing to water whereas mint is cooling and refreshing. Lemon is also known for its "weight- loss" properties. Ginger helps relieves body aches, cramps and indigestion. It is anti inflammatory too.

Lemon Mint Detox Water

1 Litre Water
1 Lemon (sliced)
8-10 Mint Leaves
1 Tsp Ginger (grated)
Put all the ingredients together and let it stand overnight. Serve the next day.

- Cucumber Lemon Water

It is a classic recipe which is great in taste and is an ultimate detox drink. Cucumber are rich in fiber and water thus helps avoid water retention. Lemon as you know help flush out toxins.

1  Litre Water
1/2 Cucumber (sliced)
1  Lemon(sliced)
4-5 Mint leaves
Allow the ingredients to sit in for a couple of hours before serving.

- Fruity Detox Water

This delicious detox infusion has strawberries and oranges. Both Strawberry snd orange are full of vitamins. Strawberries are anti carcinogenic and anti ageing whereas oranges helps overcome nausea.

1 Litre Water
2 Strawberry (chopped)
1 Orange (sliced)
All ingredients should be allowed to sit for 3 - 4 hours atleast before drinking.

Favourite Combos

You can add fruits of your choice and make your very own detox water right in your kitchen. The popular combos are
Strawberry + Mint
Raspberry + Lime
Pineapple + Mint
Raspberry +Pineapple 
Grapes + Mint
Apple + cinnamon

Favourite Combos

Tough, it is debatable if these infusion aids in weight loss but they are full of flavours, tasty and even fulfills your water requirement. Next time when you are thirsty, rather than gulping down a calorie laden drink, go for these delectable delights.

pic - pinterest


Anonymous said…
Useful information..I'll definitely try these delicious healthy combination
Unknown said…
My favorite is the 'King of Detox Water' i.e. lemon and mint water. Cool and refreshing I like the tingling sensation of mint combined with the slightly sour but refreshing taste of lemon.A truly wonderful drink especially recommended for those hot days when the lips are parched and the throat cries for mercy.
swayam tiwari said…
I echo Geeta Nair's views.Lemon plus plain water is amrit for me.By the way, a glass of water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning keeps you fresh the entire day.
Unknown said…
I've been drinking cucumber lemon water.. love it. Just cleanses my system. Keeps me fresh
This is by far the most popular fruit infused water bottle, and for good reasons. This detox water bottle is elegantly designed (currently comes in 5 fun colors to choose from), lightweight, and it holds a perfect amount of water. This water bottle infuser comes in many colors, including green, red, yellow, blue, and smoke at
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